Sunday, April 11, 2010

14 Men Work 18 Hours Straight to Finish the Roof Work at 11:30 PM!

This is what Darick, our local project manager of the Phase I construction of ETAC, sent me on Saturday, April 10, 2010. God sure is working here and we are blessed to join in. :-)

From: darick ramirez <>
To: Julie Edwards
Sent: Sat, April 10, 2010 12:29:57 PM
Subject: fotos of ETAC

Hola Julie,

El dia de ayer por todo el dia trabajamos un estimado de 18 horas, terminamos a las 11:30 de la noche. Dimos por concluido la llena de la losa de la segunda planta. Trabajamos con unas 14 personas, dos maquinas, fue un buen tiempo. Espero cuando usted este aca pueda ver su proyecto llenando las espectativas de lo que usted quiere. Hemos tomado todas las recomendaciones, tecnicas constructivas para que sea un edificio con un gran seguridad fisica.

Yesterday (Friday, April 9th) we worked 18 hours straight, all day long to finish at 11:30 at night! We have completed filling the foundation of the second floor. 14 of us worked together with two machines, and all the while we had a great time. I hope that when you come, you will be able to see the project beginning to fulfill all the expectations/requirements of what you envision for ETAC. We have taken all the recommendations and adhered to technical constructions so that it would be a building that also provides you great physical safety. (i.e. from Hurricanes and marimoto)

Tenga un buen fin de semana. Wishing you a great weekend.

Ing. Darick Ramirez

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